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Breaking stereotypes: Men and beauty salons by bristi202 Jul 15, 2024 0:49:49 GMT -5

You can watch our videos on our homepage, see them on YouTube, download them as podcasts from iTunes, listen on SoundCloud, and more!

Episode Discussions
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如果您于年月日注册 by shapanhhhhh May 12, 2024 5:54:25 GMT -5

Any questions or comments regarding our episodes? Do you have some suggestions for future episodes?

Important Stuff

RULES OF THE TOMB (read this first)
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The Rules...give them a read. by Madlogic Mar 4, 2018 6:34:30 GMT -5

By using the boards, you agree to our rules and general do's and don'ts, so you'll probably want to check them out in here.

New Members Meet-n-Greet
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Market Analysis Detailed analysis by account_disabled Mar 8, 2024 22:09:38 GMT -5

Once you get registered, come on in here and create a board and tell us about yourself! What brings you here? What's your favorite paranormal topic? Do you have any stories about paranormal experiences?

The Ouija (Message) Boards, aka: The T.O.M.B.

YOUR Scary Stories
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This security is based on encryption by account_disabled Jan 14, 2024 2:00:32 GMT -5

What's the scariest thing you've experienced? Were you home alone? In a strange place? In the woods? Being followed by a stranger? Car broken down on a dark desert road? Tell us all about it!

Afterlife Board
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它将读完文章的用户 by shapanwwwsd May 18, 2024 0:46:22 GMT -5

What's your theory of the afterlife?  Heaven, hell, purgatory...or something else?

Alien Abduction
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Episode S1E4 - Mo' Duendes, Mo' Problems by Madlogic May 4, 2023 1:58:18 GMT -5

Cases of people reporting to have been taken by extraterrestrials are relatively common.  Have you heard of a case or been abducted yourself?

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Life on other planets; given the sheer number of galaxies in the universe and the stars in those galaxies with hospitable planets, it's a certainty we're not alone.  Discuss...

Ancient Astronauts
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Did alien contact thousands of years ago influence human development?  Are some religions extraterrestrial in origin?  Are they responsible for Giorgio Tsoukalos' mushroom cloud of a hairdo?

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Agents of God could be all around us.  Some say they're by our side from birth to death.

Area 51
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Area 51, Dreamland, Groom Lake...no  matter what you call it, it is one of the most mysterious locations on earth.  Who knows what secrets are guarded there?

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Ben Affleck and Aerosmith aside, armageddon won't be a good time.  The world is certain to end someday, it's a "when" and not an "if."  How do you see it ending?  Can it be avoided or at least prepared for?

Astral Projection
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Escapist romance you create by account_disabled Feb 28, 2024 1:30:59 GMT -5

Can people willfully have out-of-body experiences and control their travels once free of their mortal form?

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Hinted at by Plato, this civilization thrived and had very advanced technology before sinking into the ocean and being erased from the face of the earth.  Will it ever be found?  If so, where?

The Bermuda Triangle
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Also known as the Devil's Triangle, this mysterious region in the Atlantic Ocean has been responsible for the disappearance of many aircraft and ships.  What is the nature of the triangle?

The Bible Code
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Also known as the Torah code, the Bible Code is a purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah.  The trouble is, the code is so divinely complex, you need a computer to find it.  Does it contain hidden messages and, if so, from whom?

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Bigfoot, the Yeti, the Abominable Snowman, the Sasquatch...as many names as they have geographical regions they call home.  Bigfoot is arguably the most popular cryptid out there.  What do you believe?

Black Dogs
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道该活动的重要性不 by account_disabled Apr 1, 2024 22:58:42 GMT -5

The black dog is essentially a nocturnal apparition, often said to be associated with the Devil. Its appearance was regarded as an omen of death. It is generally supposed to be larger than a normal dog, and often has large, glowing eyes.

Black Holes
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Mdia email list to reach your recipient by account_disabled Mar 5, 2024 2:28:00 GMT -5

Stephen Hawking himself has said that black holes may be portals to other universes.  There's not many concepts more intriguing or filled with more possibilities.

Black Magic
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Dark magic used for selfish or evil purposes.  Messing with this stuff can attract entities that are even more evil.

Black-Eyed Kids
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People who encounter Black-Eyed Kids feel a strong sense of danger from them.  The BEKs appear relatively normal except for completely black eyes, and sometimes slightly bluish skin.  They usually ask to be let in your car or home...

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The fear of clowns is called coulrophobia.  The recent appearance of "killer clowns" across the country didn't help matters.  A lot of people have this phobia, are you one of them?

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Our team has put together a guide by account_disabled Mar 6, 2024 3:36:39 GMT -5

There are conspiracies around the world.  Some are limited to small towns or cities, but others target entire nations if not the world.  Do you have any conspiracy theories?

Crop Circles
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As mysterious as they are beautifully intricate, crop circles are found worldwide.  Some are obviously man-made, but what about the ones where there are no signs of man's involvement?

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例如手术妇科和治疗 by shapanooooo May 4, 2024 3:56:08 GMT -5

Creatures or animals that have been claimed to exist, but never proven. Some may have their own boards listed here as well.

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Typically, one part secret society and one part religion, cults can be scarier than hell because they can twist your mind and essentially own their followers.

Cursed Objects
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Objects such as The Crying Boy painting, The Anguished Man Painting, Annabelle the possessed doll, The Dybbuk Box, and more may be tempting things to own or collect, but is the ownership worth the consequences?

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Sometimes people themselves are subject to a curse, be it witchcraft, black magic, or voodoo.  Curses can cause all kinds of chaos in a person's life.

The Dead Sea Scrolls
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The Dead Sea Scrolls have been called the greatest manuscript find of all time. Discovered between 1947 and 1956, the Dead Sea Scrolls comprise some 800 documents but in many tens of thousands of fragments. The Scrolls date from around 250 B.C. to 68 A.D. and were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

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Death; is it the absolute end, or is there something else after?  What happens at the moment of death?  Does where or how you die in some way determine your afterlife?

Deja Vu
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This French term translates as, "already seen."  Deja vu is the feeling that you've been in a situation or place at some previous point.  Deja vu is the feeling that you've been in a situation or place at some previous point.

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Demons are fallen angels who are now the exact opposite of the angels they once were.  Demons have a host of abilities, not the least of which is human possession.

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From Jimmy Hoffa and Amelia Earhart to more recent cases as Natalee Holloway, and entire commercial jetliners, mysterious disappearances happen all the time.  What are your theories on various disappearances?

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A doppelgänger is a spirit or shapeshifting being that takes on the form of a person, becoming their exact double.  Their intent is not known, but people who encounter them always feel a strong sense of dread and intense fear.

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Behavioral science's greatest mystery...why do we dream?  Memory consolidation, emotional regulation...the theories are numerous.  What do dreams mean?  What is lucid dreaming?  Why do some dreams reoccur?

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Episode S1E4 - Mo' Duendes, Mo' Problems by Madlogic May 4, 2023 1:55:44 GMT -5

Duende is a vague term. A Duende may be any kind of small spirit. In general, they are associated with wild nature, very like a sprite, although the word is sometimes also used to indicate small household helper spirits, like a Brownie or Lutin. They are mischievous and sometimes have a wicked sense of humor but are generally not harmful.
In parts of Latin America, however, the term Duende refers to a more specific type of spirit. Duendes are tiny ghosts: souls of fetuses and unbaptized infants. They are hungry, persistent, nagging ghosts.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident
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个性化消息传递使 by account_disabled Jan 25, 2024 1:51:31 GMT -5

What exactly happened to the nine hikers in the Ural Mountains in February of 1959?  Perhaps the most mysterious case we've ever seen.

Easter Island
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Easter Island, a Chilean territory, is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia famed for archaeological sites, including nearly 900 monumental statues called Moai, created by inhabitants during the 13th–16th centuries. The Moai are carved human figures with oversize heads...but why were they created?  What is their purpose?

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Elves have been sighted for years, sometimes helpful, sometimes mischievous, and sometimes downright evil.  Icelanders have been allegedly attacked by elves for building roads on the elves' territory.

ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)
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Extrasensory Perception is sometimes defined as a sixth sense.  Facets of ESP range from telepathy to psychometry, and much more.

EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon)
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Within ghost hunting and parapsychology, electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices that have been either unintentionally recorded or intentionally requested and recorded.  Enthusiasts consider EVP to be a form of paranormal phenomenon often found in recordings with static or other background noise.  They can be absolutely blood chilling.

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When possession becomes life-threatening, religious leaders call upon the power of their gods to drive evil out and return control of their own body to the possessed person.  These tales will make you thankful you've never gone through the experience...or have you?

The Face on Mars
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What is the famous face in Mars?  Who constructed it?  Is it a naturally formed landscape feature, or a remnant of a long dead Martian culture?  What if Earth was actually Mars' colony before that planet died?

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Just as elves have allegedly retaliated against Icelanders building a highway in their territory, fairies have allegedly sabotaged highway construction in Ireland in much the same way.  The first thing that may have crossed your mind upon reading this topic title may have been "tooth fairy," but not all fairies are benevolent.

Flat Earth Theory
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Some people believe the Earth is not spherical, as we all learned in school, but instead is flat.  I'm not sure how they would explain the Earth's round shadow on the moon during some eclipses, but to each their own I guess.

General Cryptids (for cryptids without their own boards)
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Besides the more well-known cryptids such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Mothman, and the Jersey Devil, there are scores of others.  The chupcabra, the Dover Demon, the Enfield Monster, Flatwoods Monster, Ohio Grassman, and the Florida Skunk Ape and hundreds more could be out there just waiting to be discovered.

General Occult (for occult topics without their own board)
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Occult, meaning "secret, hidden, or clandestine," is the "knowledge of the hidden."  In English, it is defined as knowledge of the paranormal.  If you just learned something, you just got a little more Occult.  What secret knowledge do you want to share?

General Paranormal (for topics without their own boards)
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Have a topic or experience you want to discuss, but don't see a fitting topic here?  Share right here.

General Psychic Phenomena (for psychic topics without their own boards)
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Anything related to psychic phenomena that doesn't fit into a related board here, feel free to post here.

General Spirits (for spirit-related topics that don't have their own board)
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What's the difference between ghosts and spirits?  In this context, ghosts are souls of the dead, and the generic term "spirits" refers to things like elementals (water spirits, woods spirits, etc.).  Basically anything disembodied that isn't a human spirit or ever had human form.

Ghost Hunting
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Discuss all things related to ghost hunting: equipment, procedures, preparation, good hunting sites, etc.  Maybe even organize a hunt with fellow posters.

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Episode S1E4 - Mo' Duendes, Mo' Problems by Madlogic May 4, 2023 2:00:51 GMT -5

There aren't many more questions that mankind would like to answer as much as "do ghosts exist?"  Whether you believe, scoff, or are somewhere in between, you can't deny the reports are almost always intriguing.  Share yours here.

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An odd occurrence in the bible was the appearance of giants known as the Nephilim.  The first discovery of what may have been actual proof of the Nephilim's existence happened in 1705, but giants may have existed thousands of years before that.

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Many different cultures have reported gnomes. Gnomes are especially popular in Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and even Mexico.  Gnomes are sometimes referred to as Dwarves or Goblins.

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Originating with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, Halloween straddles the line between fall and winter, life and death.  It's our favorite time of year, and it's said that the barrier between this world and the next is at its thinnest that night.

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Hauntings can center on things, places, or even people.  They can be residual energy hauntings that simply play back a moment time time over and over, or they can be intelligent hauntings, capable of communication and sometimes even physical manipulation.  Let's hear your stories.

Sub-board: The Winchester Mystery House

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The body naturally heals itself over time, but sometimes it can get help from outside forces.  From prayers and crystals, to acupuncture and miracles, sometimes a person can get a boost.

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Most religions have a heaven or a similar concept.  Some people even claim to have entered heaven during a near death experience.  Reports vary from being greeted by deceased loved ones to being greeted by a being of pure light and told to return to earth.  What's your version of heaven?

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The concept of hell is absolutely horrifying.  Imagine a place where there is no hope.  A place where every worst case scenario in your life is lived over and over again...forever.  Constant and eternal torment, it's certain to be crowded.

Hollow Earth theory
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A concept that proposes that the earth contains within it a vast hollow space which has its own oceans and sun.  Sounds like a decent vacation spot...but does it exist?

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Is immortality obtainable?  Would you want to live forever?  Would it come in the form of advanced robotic technology, genetic engineering, or the bite of a vampire?

The Jersey Devil
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The Jersey Devil is a creature that reportedly inhabits the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey.  Its appearance features the head of a goat, leathery, bat-like wings, clawed hands, cloven hooves, and a forked tail.  It also has a blood-curdling scream that can be heard for miles.

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The ability of a person or object to hold itself aloft with no external assistance or support.  This may be possible by psychic energy, advanced technology (magnets, soundwaves, etc.), or spiritual energy.

Ley Lines
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The idea of ley lines as magical, mystical alignments is a fairly modern one. One school of thought believes that these lines carry positive or negative energy. It is also believed that where two or more lines converge, you have a place of great power and energy.

The Loch Ness Monster
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Loch Ness-type creature washes up on Georgia beach by Madlogic Mar 21, 2018 12:06:47 GMT -5

In the Scottish Highlands, you'll find Loch Ness, a body of water in which you may also find Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster.  If the creature truly exists, it is almost certainly a relative of an ancient plesiosaurus.  Sightings are numerous.  Even Google may have managed to catch Nessie in one of their street view pics.

Mad Scientists
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Think they're only the fuel for monster movie plots?  Think again.  The names Jack Parsons, Sidney Gottlieb, Giovanni Aldini, and Jose Delgado may not mean anything to you now, but Google them and see if you can sleep tonight.

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Magic, it can be defined as using certain words or incantations to achieve certain results, or using symbols, gestures, or rituals to bend supernatural forces to one's will.  But, does it exist?  Is it possible to invoke factors like these and do the impossible?

The Mandela Effect
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The Mandela Effect is a situation where a large population of people share similar, if not identical, incorrect memories of past events.  These things can range from different spellings of "The Berenstain" Bears, to whether or not Nelson Mandela died prior to 2013 while still a prisoner.  One theory is alternate universe "spill over."  What's yours?

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Psychic mediums use psychic or intuitive abilities to speak to spirit guides or to see the past and future of a person based on that person's spirit energy.  They can also sometimes assist in ridding a house of malevolent spirits.  Are you in the market?

The Men in Black
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The Men in Black (not Johnny Cash or Will Smith) are sometimes seen after a UFO sighting.  They seem to have the goal of either preventing witnesses from going public or discrediting them once they do.  Some people who've encountered them believe they may be extraterrestrials themselves, due to their strange way of moving and their odd facial features and skin tone.

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Here we discuss any creature that can be referred to as a monster and doesn't have its own topic here already, such as: Cyclops, Dragons, Ghouls, J'inn, Lizardmen, etc.

The Moon
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Discuss here all things moon-related, such as alien moonbases, the moon landing, the dark side of the moon, etc.

The Multiverse/Parallel Universes/Dimensions
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A theory that is gaining scientific support, even from Stephen Hawking, is the theory of a multiverse, or infinite parallel universes.  The theory says that every possibility is, was, or will be played out in its own unique universe.  This is easily one of my favorite topics because, if this is true, then everything paranormal has to be true...maybe not in our universe, but in some of them, absolutely.

Near-Death Experiences
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Have you had a personal experience associated with impending death or dying?  Many people have passed away and been mysteriously resurrected and perfectly healthy, often times long after brain death should've occurred.  They sometimes share stories of what they saw on the other side.  Sometimes reassuring, sometimes horrifying.

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A supernatural practice involving communicating with deceased persons.  This can be done by talking to their spirit, or by resurrecting their physical body.

Nibiru/Planet X
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Some say that there exists a rogue planet in our solar system.  Some call it Planet X, some call it Nibiru. It's reportedly been lurking in an orbit beyond Pluto and comes close to Earth every 3,600 years.  It was also one of the ways the Earth was predicted to end (twice, in 2017) and when the Mayan calendar ran out in December of 2012, so keep those grains of salt handy.

Night Terrors
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Night Terrors...sounds scary, doesn't it?  People who suffer from them would agree, as this condition can cause episodes of screaming, intense fear, and the violent flailing of limbs while still asleep.  Are they rooted in a medical condition, or is it something more sinister?

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A nightmare is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety and great sadness.  The dream may contain situations of discomfort, psychological terror, or panic.  What is your worst nightmare?

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An omen (also called portent or presage) is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change.  People in ancient times believed that omens are a divine message from their gods.  Have you experienced an omen that warned you of a later event?

Ouija Boards
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Ouija boards are "spirit boards" painted with letters and numbers upon which a pointing device (planchette) is touched simultaneously by a number of individuals as they ask questions of unseen spirits.  The spirits guide the planchette and manipulate it to point to letters and numbers to spell out messages from beyond. They're also a damned fine paranormal forum, but maybe we're biased. What Ouija Board experiences have you had?

Out-of-Body Experiences
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An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE) is an experience that typically involves a feeling of floating outside one's body and, in some cases, the feeling of perceiving one's physical body as if from a place outside one's body.  Unlike a near-death experience, a person doesn't need to have died to experience an OBE.  Have you ever experienced one?

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The art or practice of supposedly interpreting a person's character or predicting their future by examining the lines and other features of the hand, especially the palm and fingers.  Have you ever had your palms interpreted?  What were the results?  Were they accurate?

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The field of study concerned with the investigation of paranormal and psychic phenomena which include telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims.

Prayer Power
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The idea that power is inherent in prayer is a very popular one. According to the Bible, the power of prayer is, quite simply, the power of God, who hears our pleas.  I believe in the power, do you?  Have you seen it in action?

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Prophecy involves the process in which a message is allegedly communicated by a god.  Such messages typically involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of divine will concerning the prophet's social world and events to come.  Other prophecies come from sources other than gods and can lead the messengers to disaster.

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Psychometryis a form of extrasensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object.  Have you ever gotten "bad vibes" off of something in an antique store?

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Simply put, reincarnation is the rebirth of a soul into a new body.  Ever known a child to have uncanny knowledge of something they shouldn't?

Remote Viewing
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Remote Viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extrasensory perception.  Government agencies have long sought to militarize this as a highly effective form of espionage.  This may also be possible via astral travel.

Sacred Relics
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The most famous sacred relics are the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Destiny, and the Holy Grail.  They each have their own forum on the main list.  This forum is for discussion on other lesser-known relics.

Sub-boards: The Ark of the Covenant, The Holy Grail, The Holy Spear/Spear of Destiny

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The ace of spades in the supernatural deck.  Satan (aka:  The Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, The Prince of Darkness, The Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rollah, etc.) is the President and CEO of evil here in our plane of existence (and maybe others).  Ol' Scratch here has been around since time immemorial tempting naked women with apples and introducing sin to the human race.  You know, nothing major.  What are your devil-related stories?

Serial Killers
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SUSPECT ARRESTED! by Madlogic Apr 27, 2018 23:15:29 GMT -5

To get you started: Jack the Ripper, The Zodiac Killer, Ted Bundy (the crazy necrophile), John Wayne Gacy (the original Killer Clown), Rodney James Alcala (The Dating Game Killer), Luis Garavito (the Beast), Ahmad Suradji (the Sorcerer), Tsutomu Miyazaki (the Human Dracula), Dennis Rader (BTK), Alexander Pichushkin (the Chessboard Killer), Andrei Chikatilo (the Butcher), John George Haigh (the Acid Bath Killer), AIleen Wuornos (the Monster), Jeffrey Dahmer (the Cannibal), and Pedro Rodriguez Filho (the Brazilian Maniac).  Jesus Christ, that's a lot of crazy.

Sub-boards: The Dating Game Killer, Ted Bundy, Andrei Chikatilo, Jeffrey Dahmer, Pedro Rodriguez Filho, John Wayne Gacy, Luis Garavito, John George Haigh, The Golden State Killer, Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Tsutomu Miyazaki, Alexander Pichushkin, Dennis Rader, Ahmad Suradji, AIleen Wuornos, The Zodiac Killer

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According to Navajo culture, a skinwalker is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal, usually for the purposes of harming people.  Skinwalkers = horrifying stories.

Sleep Paralysis
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“Most patients say the same thing to describe sleep paralysis: that it feels like you woke up dead. You know that your mind is awake and your body is not — so you're trapped, essentially," - Michael Breus, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.  I hope you don't suffer from this, but share your experience of you do.

Spiritual/Psychic Advice
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Are you a medium or sensitive who likes to give advice?  There may be some users here who could use your services.

Spontaneous Human Combustion
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Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is a term encompassing reported cases of the combustionof a living (or very recently deceased) human body without an apparent external source of ignition. In addition to reported cases, examples of the phenomenon appear in literature, and both types have been observed to share common characteristics, regarding circumstances and remains of the victim.

Superhuman Abilities
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We've all heard the stories about mothers who lift cars off of their babies.  But what about other abilities?  What about people who can generate electricity with a thought or make themselves magnetic?  If any of this describes you, or if you have a related story, you need to share.  With great stories comes great responsibility to tell said stories.

Tarot Cards
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The tarot also known as tarocchi, tarock, and others, is a pack of playing cards used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe.  In the late 18th century, it began to be used for divination in the form of tarotology/cartomancy.  Discuss your experiences here.

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One-time science fiction is now science fact.  In July of 2017, Chinese researchers successfully teleported a photon from the ground to a satellite orbiting over 500 km above.  Even though this is technically now a scientific accomplishment, it is freshly so.  Do you have any stories of teleportation that predate the Chinese pissing on our parade?

Time Travel
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lHow appealing is the concept of time travel?  Who wouldn't want to go back to a certain point (or several) in their life and make a different decision, or snag a sports almanac and, well...you know.  What are your theories on time travel?  Is it possible?

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The troll is a mythical creature of Scandinavian origin that has become a popular staple in the realms of legend, folklore, and fantasy.  Troll sightings and reports are in the dozens every year.  Do they exist?

True Crime
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Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, you can't deny that THESE monsters are REAL.

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Ohio Deputy Loses Job After Following UFO For 86 Miles by Madlogic Apr 3, 2018 21:49:51 GMT -5

Not that you don't already know this, but UFO is the acronym for Unidentified Flying Object.  That doesn't automatically mean extraterrestrial.  Sometimes it really is a weather balloon or military aircraft training exercises.  But, we all know that a lot of these go unexplained and open up the possibility of extraterrestrial activity.  UFO stories are pretty numerous.  What's yours?

Unsolved Crimes
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Unsolved crimes can be creepy as hell even when there are no paranormal elements, but even moreso when there are.  This forum will delve into both varieties; the paranormal and the normal.  Cases such as: The Glico Morinaga Case (aka, the Monster with 21 Faces), D.B. Cooper, The Lead Masks Case, and more.  Got any favorites?  Tell us about them.

Urban Legends
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No one here has gone their entire life thus far without hearing an urban legend.  Maybe you didn't know what it was at the time, but you've definitely heard one (or more likely, several).  What about the whole "the call is coming from inside the house" babysitter murder?  How about the escaped lunatic with the hook hand that nearly killed the couple on Lovers' Lane?  What is your favorite urban legend?  Do you have any that are unique to your city?

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Is there a more timeless villain throughout history, with the exception of the Devil himself?  Vampires have been around in real or fictional form since recordings of vampire activity came from the region of Istria in modern Croatia in 1672.  Do they exist today?  They almost certainly don't turn into bats, wolves, or fog, but there are subcultures who drink human blood and call themselves vampires.  Have you ever encountered one?

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Visions are closely associated with prophecy (and vice-versa).  SOme cultures, such as Native Americans, would go on rigorous Vision Quests in which they would endure hardships and the elements as they wandered away from their tribe and sought to learn about themselves.  Have you ever had a vision?  Was it a good or bad omen?

The Wandering Jew
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In Christian legend, a character doomed to live until the end of the world because he taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion. A reference in John 18:20–22 to an officer who struck Jesus at his arraignment before Annas is sometimes cited as the basis for the legend. The medieval English chronicler Roger of Wendover describes in his Flores historiarum how an archbishop from Greater Armenia, visiting England in 1228, reported that there was in Armenia a man formerly called Cartaphilus who claimed he had been Pontius Pilate's doorkeeper and had struck Jesus on his way to Calvary, urging him to go faster. Jesus replied, “I go, but you will wait to see my return.” Cartaphilus was later baptized Joseph and lived piously among Christian clergy, hoping in the end to be saved.

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The fundamental difference is in two points by rinaseoexpat4 Apr 30, 2024 5:27:16 GMT -5

Warlocks are male witches, or sorcerers.  Warlock is a word that comes from the Old English word for "oathbreaker," and they are also known as wizards, magus, enchanters, or mages.  Do we have any Warlocks among us?

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A werewolf is a person with the ability (or curse) to transform into a wolf or human/wolf hybrid.  Lycanthropy can be blamed for some cases of supposed werewolf cases, but does it account for all of them, or is there a more supernatural element at work?

White Magic
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Simply put, white magic is magic used only for good purposes.  Unsurprisingly, it's the opposite of black magic.

Witch Doctors
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A witch doctor was originally a healer that specialized in healing conditions that were caused by witchcraft.  In modern times, witchdoctors are usually the shamen in villages in third world countries where "non-traditional" methods are used in lieu of medical care.  Plus, they wear totally creepy masks.

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Witchcraft is the belief in and practice of magical skills and abilities that can be manipulated by its practitioners.  As we all know, witches and witchcraft were none too popular in the early days of our nation.  Especially in, oh, say...the greater Salem, Massachusetts area.  There are good and evil witches.  Do you have any experience with witchcraft or know any witches?

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Rchnical measures is the use by rakhirani Feb 24, 2024 0:42:17 GMT -5

A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space-time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. Wormholes are predicted by the theory of general relativity.  Is this how we cover ground in space in coming decades?

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A belt of the heavens that includes all apparent positions of the sun, moon, and most familiar planets.  It is divided into twelve equal divisions or signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces).  Astrology's bread and butter.  Do you read your horoscope and heed its advice?

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To the usual subscription by account_disabled Dec 19, 2023 4:26:07 GMT -5

A zombie is a reanimated human corpse that typically lacks any higher brain function.  Its means of reanimation can be witchcraft, voodoo, or potentially a virus (as seen in some bees).  Mostly encountered in Louisiana and the Caribbean.


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